Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 39 for which they desire to register. The expression“the area covered by the League”is defined as that area within a 10 mile radius of the outermost Clubs which may constitute the League from time to time and shall clearly be delineated upon a plan to be held by the Secretary. 2. AMATEUR REGISTRATION 2.1. All Amateur Players when first registered must use the prescribed form, which will contain a declaration confirming amateur status to be signed by the player and be countersigned by the Chairman of the Club. The players details on the application form must be input to “ ” prior to the form being sent to the Honorary Secretary who on receipt will consider approving the application provided they considers the registration to be in order. The player may take part in any match after the expiry of seven days of the Honorary Secretary receiving the Registration Form, but the responsibility for the necessary qualifications of the Player, as defined in Rule D1.1, remains for all time on the Club playing them, and the act of registration does not absolve the Club from the penalties attached to playing an unqualified player. Should the registration of a player be a matter for decision by the League Committee under either this rule or Rule D3 if the decision is favourable to the Player, they may be played by their Club immediately, without any waiting period. The applicant shall be asked to attend if the League Committee so desire and shall furnish such information and in such form as the League Committee may require. Amateurs registered after July 31st shall not be eligible to play in any Senior League game during the season of registration. 2.2. Notwithstanding any other provisions in these rules the League Secretary shall have nopower to register any Player who, after anofficial enquiry, shall have been judged guilty by any organisation affiliated, directly or indirectly, to the Lancashire Cricket Foundation and/or the League Cricket Conference of such conduct as to have justified their expulsion or suspension from the said organisation or the imposition of any other penalty other than a caution and/or warning as to their future conduct until the period of such expulsion or suspension or any obligation imposed by any other punishment has been completed or fulfilled to the satisfaction of the said organisation and the Lancashire Cricket Foundation and/or League Cricket Conference. 2.3 If in the opinion of the Lancashire League Committee, a registration, transfer or loan is contrary to the spirit, or ethos or interests of the Lancashire League, it can be refused. Any such refused application will last for the length of the season in question after which a repeat application may be reconsidered.