Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 40 2.4 A club may select a player unregistered with another club, for 3xi or 4xi cricket ( or 2xi if the club has no 3xi ) on a trial basis. The club must inform the league loans officer / registration secretary by 6pm on the Friday prior to the fixture selected for. A trialist can only play for 3 games and within 30 days of the first game. 3. AMATEUR AS PAID OFFICIAL 3.1. Any amateur (actual or qualifying) who accepts a paid official position in connection with any League Club must obtain the consent of the League Committee before playing in any further League match or they will be considered ineligible. No amateur player engaged as a coach at a Club will be permitted to play for the 1st XI of that Club unless they were a bona-fide member of the said Club at the time of their engagement as a coach. For these purposes a bona-fide member is defined as one who has been registered as an amateur player for the said Club for a minimum period of three years immediately before accepting an engagement as coach. 4. AMATEUR AS COUNTY CONTRACTED PLAYER OR APPRENTICE CONTRACTED PLAYER - QUALIFICATION 4.1. Any player registered as an amateur with a Club within the League signing a Professional Agreement form for a County Cricket Club shall none the less retain their amateur status and be eligible to play for that Club providing always that they otherwise remains qualified to play within the League and have paid their Club subscription for the current season before playing for the Club. 4.2. No player falling within this category will be eligible to play for the relevant Club in any League game after the 31st July unless that player has previously played a senior match for the relevant Club in that season and prior to that date nor will they be eligible to play in Round 2 and subsequent rounds of any Cup competition organised by the League unless that player has previously played a senior League or Cup match for the relevant Club in that season. 5. AMATEUR BECOMING PROFESSIONAL 5.1. Any player registered as an amateur with a Club within the League who is engaged as or agrees to and/or plays as a Professional in any League shall immediately lose their qualification as an amateur but any player having signed a Professionals Agreement form in respect of a future season (other than a contract with a County as specified in Rule D5) shall be considered to have lost their amateur qualification from the beginning of the League Season in which they have agreed to commence their professional duties. 5.2. Any such former professional returning to the League as an amateur may only return to the Club holding their amateur registration