Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 43 Club, details of such outstanding obligation as a result of which the said permission has been refused and in default the said Club and/or Player may proceed with the proposed negotiation at the expiration of the aforesaid 21 day period. Any Clubor Player shall have a right of appeal to the Executive Committee should it be considered that permission is being withheld without just cause. 8. INELIGIBLE PLAYER 8.1. Any club playing an ineligible player in any match shall be dealt with under Rule B3. 8.2. A player under any suspension, whether it by the ECB, any County Cricket Board or Federation Lancashire Cricket League or their respective club will be deemed an ineligible player for any Lancashire Cricket League competition. It is the sole responsibility of the cricket club to ensure their players are eligible to play in any Lancashire Cricket League competition. Any club playing an ineligible player in any match shall be dealt with under Rule B3. In addition. Any club found guilty of fielding an ineligible player will have any points gained from the specific fixture deducted for each game. Fielding an ineligible player in any Lancashire Cricket League Cup / Knockout Competition will result in automatic disqualification from the competition for the year in question. In the T20 Competition any club found guilty of fielding an ineligible player will have any points gained from the specific fixture deducted for each game. 9. FINE FOR POACHING PLAYERS 9.1. On its being proved to the League Committee that any inducement whatever has been offered to any amateur to secure their services for a League Club, except as Professional, the offending Club shall be fined (Category 3 Rule B5(e)) for each offence. The player accepting such inducement shall be disqualified for such period as the Committee shall decide. A player offering their services for a consideration to any League Club, except as a Professional, shall be immediately disqualified. SECTION E - DISCIPLINE THE PREAMBLE THE SPIRIT OF CRICKET 1. The Executive Committee shall deal with any questions relating to or affecting the misconduct of any amateur, professional, club official or member in connection with any match played whether under the jurisdiction of the League or otherwise and any other matter affecting the