Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 58 to 10 minutes in any match affected by ground or weather conditions provided that the two Captains agree to take tea during stoppage in play during the first innings of the match and so inform the umpires before taking tea. In these circumstances the Teams will not retake the field until the expiration of the said 10 minutes, even if the Umpires in the meantime deem conditions fit for play to resume. 3.7. Up to but no more than two drink breaks of no more than 2 minutes duration shall be allowed in any one innings provided always that this has been agreed between the Captains and Umpires before the start of the game. 3.8. In the second innings bonus points shall be awarded to the losing team as follows:- Bowling: Overs scheduled in the 2nd innings 46-50 36-45 26-35 25 or less Wkts taken Wkts taken Wkts taken Wkts taken Points 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 7 6 5 4 3 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 7 6 5 The table above also caters for rain affected matches where the bowling side will bowl fewer than 50 overs Batting: Points awarded for getting within so many runs of the 1st innings total or DLS target score as agreed with Umpires and scorers: 50 runs 1 point 40 runs 2 points 30 runs 3 points 20 runs 4 points 10 runs 5 points