Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Meeting at Commercial Hotel, Accrington, 8th November, (1890), Mr. Whitaker, Accrington, presided. Resolved: That Rishton be added to League Clubs. This meeting was convened to further discuss formation of League and the question of Rules occupied the chief business and same being of a lengthy character it was decided to adjourn the meeting until Sat 15th Nov. Bull Hotel, Burnley. Meeting Bull Hotel, 15th Nov. (1890), Mr. Sutcliffe presided - present E. Lancashire, Nelson, Church, Haslingden, Rawtenstall, Ramsbottom, Enfield, Rishton, Colne, Burnley, Lowerhouse. Resolved: That Rule 11 be entered in minutes as not in force in 1891. The rules were then discussed and finally adopted - see printed copy. Resolved: That Mr. James Sutcliffe be President of League.