Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Resolved that W. Pilling of Church be re-instated as an Amateur.(Voting For 8 Against 5) and that James Ingram's application be deferred one month. The Secretary was instructed to examine Junior League Rules. The Meeting next passed the following propositions and that same be added to Rules viz. that any amateur of a League Club selected to play for Lancashire County and receiving professional's fee from County Committee do not injure his qualification as an amateur in the League and any special case will be dealt with when it arises. that Umpires be fined 1/2 of fee if late for matches. that when any Umpire or Umpires do not arrive before 2 o'clock the time so lost shall be made up in case it does not exceed 30 minutes.