Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Committee Meeting 14 February 1891 Bull Hotel, Burnley. Present The President, Treasurer, (11 Edgeware Rd.), Church, Colne, Accrington (Mr. Bolton, 20 Manor St.), Enfield, East Lancashire, Lowerhouse, Nelson, Burnley, Bacup, Ramsbottom, (19 Fawcett St.), Rishton, Haslingden (H.E. 20 (North?) St.).Rawtenstall (Mr. Worswick, Green Bank) and Mr. Brown Sec. Resolved: That minutes of previous meeting be confirmed. Resolved: That Todmorden resignation be accepted. Resolved: That each club connected with League furnish the Sec. with list of fixtures, not later than 23rd February, marked as League matches and that Sub. Committee apportions Umpires for each match. Resolved: That the League list of umpires be not published and that the Sec. notify each umpire match he has to officiate at, giving one week's notice.