Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Special Meeting, Commercial, Accrington, Wednesday July 18/1894 present Accrington, Bacup, Bury, Church, Haslingden, Rawtenstall, Burnley, Colne, Enfield, Ramsbottom, Lowerhouse, Nelson, Rishton, Sec. Resolved that Mr. Worswick be Chairman The matter of Porter and Haslingden was again discussed and the Haslingden representative having stated entering into an engagement with Porter prior to decision of last meeting for 6 matches it was Resolved that Haslingden be allowed to play Porter until next monthly meeting of League. The Haslingden Representative also promised to endeavour to cancel arrangement with Porter for matches after July 21st. Resolved that after Haslingden engagement with Porter no League club be allowed to enter into an engagement with him without the consent of the League Committee.