Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

A letter having been read from the Central Lancashire League suggesting an inter- League fixture with this League it was Resolved that we fall in with their proposal on condition both elevens are selected from amateurs and in the meantime the Sec write for any suggestion re ground date etc. for next monthly meeting. Church moved the following resolution that this Committee bind themselves that at the annual meeting in January they will rescind the Resolution as to playing one professional only in matches in 1895 and that Rule 19 remain in force 2 pros being allowed to play in matches in 1895. Accrington proposed an amendment "That there be 1 "pro" only engaged in matches for next season and he be registered " The Resolution of Church was carried and Mr. Worswick Chairman next put same as a substantive Resolution and it was carried unanimously.