Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Special Meeting at Derby Hotel, Bury, Friday Aug 3/94 Present: Messrs. J.A. Worswick, Rawtenstall ) Coun. Dixon East Lanc. )Lancashire Cricket League W. Brown Sec ) E. Crabtree Todmorden ) Bamford Rochdale )Central Lancashire League Thompson Royton ) Resolved that Mr. Brown be Sec. to Joint Committee Resolved that match be fixed for Monday 27th August, & ground Burnley. Admission to be 6d and 3. Resolved that constitution of players be 2 pros and 9 amateurs, pros to receive ordinary day's expenses. Resolved that each League divide all profits and share losses. Resolved that each League furnish 1 Umpire and 1 Scorer.