Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Resolved that 150 Bills be printed and a few sent to each League Club, 10 to Todmorden and 2 to other towns. Resolved that each League publish no names until an official list is received from Sec. Resolved that play commence at 1 and terminate 7. Resolved that Sec. send particulars of this meeting to Mr. Prizeman Sec. Central Lancashire League. Resolved that the following be asked to represent Lancashire Cricket League Pros Shacklock (Nelson) and Woodward E. Lanc. Reserves Hardstaffe, Flowers Amateurs Colne W. Heap Burnley J. Allen East Lancs. J.J. Whalley Rawtenstall F. Pickup Ramsbottom J. Leach Church Worsley or Clegg Bacup W.H. Lord Nelson W.H. Bower Haslingden G. Parker Reserves Coun. Dixon, Ridgeway, Scowsill, S. Driver