Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Meeting Mar 5/95 Present Colne, Bacup, Rishton, Enfield, Church, Ramsbottom, Enfield, Sec. Resolved that Mr. Horrocks, Church, be chairman Resolved that Minutes of two previous meetings be confirmed A proposal from Colne CC re Telephone on all League grounds was left over until next meeting. Resolved that Clubs register 50 players (with power to add) and 2 umpires, by 15th & Sec. to write to each club to send same in at once. The Sec. was instructed to put on Agenda for next meeting the question of appointment of Umpires for all League matches Resolved that Scowsill transfer from Ramsbottom to Haslingden be granted in the absence of any proof (prior to the meeting) of any inducement having been offered to Scowsill by the Haslingden club.