Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Meeting Commercial Accrington 1st May all present with the exception of Burnley. Mr Sutcliffe, Mr. Hamer, Treasurer, Mr. Brown Sec. attended. Resolved that Minutes of previous meeting be confirmed. Resolved that J. Tattersall be transferred from Church to Enfield R Hanson - ditto- Church to Accrington Calvert - ditto - Enfield to Accrington G.E. Broadley - ditto - Enfield to Accrington Resolved that matter of telephone on League grounds be not entertained this season. Resolved that Sec. write Umpires Colne and Ramsbottom Apl 27th re late start and too long interval between innings. Resolved that Sec write Messrs. McLaren, Ward, and Briggs congratulating them re performance in Australia.