Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

League Meeting at Accrington July 3rd Clubs all present, & President, Sec. Resolved that minutes of previous meeting be confirmed. (Re : Accrington & Enfield dispute June 1st) Resolved that after hearing evidence of Umpires that match Enfield v Accrington June 1st be draw and the League pay Umpires for attending. Accrington to subscribe 5/- towards same. It was proposed for Sub. Com. to arrange fixtures for 1896 Resolved that fixtures for 1896 be arranged by clubs as in former years. A motion to rescind minute re 13 clubs and to admit Todmorden C.C. was not carried. The Secretary read letters from Enfield C.C. notifying the playing of pros in lieu of Lancaster on June 8, June 14, June 18, June 21, also from Church June 22 in lieu S. Wade