Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Treasurer for ensuing season. Moved by Mr. Hartley (Colne) ,seconded by Mr. Horrocks (Church) and Resolved that Mr. John Procter (Burnley) be appointed Honorary Secretary for the ensuing season. Resolved that Church be allowed to play a benefit match for C. West in season 1896. Resolved that the Todmorden C.C .be admitted as members of the League commencing season 1897. Votes of Thanks were given to the President and to the Honorary Treasurer for valuable services rendered in the interests of the League in 1895. Bacup C.C. gave notice of a motion for this meeting to restrict in 1897 and following seasons, all League Clubs to play only one professional in League matches. Hon. Secretary was instructed to prepare full list of fixtures, registered Players and Umpires for printer at once and bring copies to next meeting. Resolved that this meeting be the same is adjourned to Wednesday next, the 1st prox. at 7 p.m.