Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)
Annual General Meeting held at Accrington on Monday the 18th of January 1897 Present The President in the Chair, Representatives from all the Clubs in League and the Secretary. The Secretary read Notice convening Meeting. Resolved unanimously that Mr. James Sutcliffe be elected President for the season 1897. Resolved unanimously that Mr. J. Eastwood (East Lancashire) be re-elected Treasurer for season 1897. Resolved unanimously that Mr. J. Procter (Burnley) be re-elected Secretary for season 1897. Moved by Mr. Barlow seconded by Mr. Moor & Resolved that the Balance Sheet for 1896 be read and adopted subject to the same being signed by the Auditors & that the same be printed and sent to each Club.
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