Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Committee meeting January 25th 1893, Commercial Hotel, Accrington, all clubs present and President, Treasurer, Sec. Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed Resolved that President, Treasurer and Sec. be re-elected and thanked for their services. Resolved that the matter of inscription on Cup be left with President, Secretary and the question of guarantee form with Messrs. Hamer and Eastwood. Resolved that each club has power to suggest any new rule and all rules at present entertained can't be upset The meeting next carried the following Rules proposed by Nelson, "that any club lodging a protest against any other club or player shall forward to the Secretary of the League £1.1.0 The party failing to sustain their protest to forfeit the above-mentioned sum to the League Committee. A copy of the protest shall also be forwarded to the club or player protested against within 7 days of offence.