Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Committee Meeting, Bull Hotel, Saturday 11th February 1893 all representatives present, with the exception of Bury, and Treasurer. The President in the Chair Resolved that Minutes of last meeting be confirmed with the exception of those relating to Rules. Resolved that sub. com. be appointed to arrange order of Rules after this meeting. The meeting next revised Rules and adopted same, see printed copy. Resolved that the Sub. Com. to arrange order of Rules be Church, Haslingden, Rawtenstall, Nelson, East Lancashire. Resolved that the Sub-Committee meet at Bull, Haslingden, on Tuesday 21st, 7.30. Resolved that all clubs pay a subscription of £3.3.0 on entering League independently of Annual Subscription of £1.1.0.