Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)

Resolved that minutes of previous meeting be confirmed that we expect no club to take advantage of Rule 20 by engaging a County man for Saturday matches unless approved by this League. (Re Malpas taking part in match Nelson v Haslingden) that after explanation Malpas of Bury be considered an amateur that Rules of League be adopted as printed. that League meet on first Wed. in October to consider Rules for 1894. East Lancashire gave notice to the Nelson Sec. to give proofs or information he has with regard to A. Smith. that the monthly meeting be held at Accrington 7.30 that each club register up to 100 players that not more than 4 umpires be nominated and a copy of such nomination be sent to each club when ready. that copies of Rules be handed Representatives at next meeting to be given Umpires etc.