Lancashire League Minute Book 1890-1897 (with side-by-side transcriptions by Anne Cochrane)
Ordinary Meeting 3rd May Commercial Accrington. All Present Resolved that minutes of previous meetings be confirmed. Resolved that best thanks of League be given Mr. Smallpage for returning £1.1.0. for expenses re Beaumont enquiry. Resolved that Accrington Club be fined £1.1.0 for late start on occasion match v Ramsbottom at Ramsbottom on 22 April. (re Ashworth of Haslingden as Umpire. Objections by Nelson as incompetent.) Resolved that Ashworth of Haslingden be not sent out as Umpire until after next meeting and Mr. Waddington promised in meantime to see him. Sagar of Lowerhouse (Umpire) was reported for late arrival at Haslingden. Resolved that Umpires be fined half of fee if late in future.
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