Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 1998
47 WILLIAM B SCOTT There are two Bill Scotts in Meigle Cricket Club. The Senior (W.D.S.) was a notable skipper of successful teams in the 1950's and is now our notable supporter and an Honorary President. Known as Scotty, son Bill (W.B.S.) is the reason why some people come to see Meigle batting. His cricket career has been with Meigle since he was a boy and is by no means over. Powerful and disciplined, Bill’s classic stylemakes his defence and attack a delight to watch. There is a chink in his armoury but we will not publicise it here as he is still playing! Not surprisingly, his name has been on the Meigle Batsman Trophy 13 out of the 14 years between 1983 and 1996. This is awarded on aggregate runs per season. In Union, Knockout and Village Matches his wicket is always regarded as a prize and the amount of elation displayed when his wicket falls depends on the cricketing manners of the opposition. One example was when Bill was serving the Club as skipper and at the crease. This was in the cauldron of competitive play away to Freuchie. Bill had his eye on placing the ball between the two trees on the boundary but it was a tricky one and the ball hit him in a sore place. He retired hurt and the remaining Meigle batsmen came in and out to the alcoholic frenzy of the spectators (this is not libellous - there are witnesses!). With 6 wickets down, Bill felt it was time for a Captain’s innings and resumed the field. The game did not have a fairy-tale ending but it is a measure of the man and his devotion to theClub. Bill is not alone in accepting umpires’ decisions gracefully. He would also be very fair when wearing the white coat himself. As a useful surprise bowler, he is not called on so often. Either it’s because of our youngsters coming on, or because Dennis Christie, the Skipper, is his brother-in-law! From a short run-up his mesmerising action has had many batsmen wondering. As a Club man, Bill does his share with coaching. He was organiser of the tea ladies for the well-known Victory Park teas and now is Hon. Secretary Continued on page 52
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