Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 1998

7 theScottishCricket League. 4. The Subscription from each club in each Division shall be such a sumasmaybe fixedat theAnnual GeneralMeeting. Subscriptions shall be payable at theAnnual General Meeting. 5. AGeneral Meeting of theUnion shall be held annually in themonth ofNovember. NoticeofGeneralMeetingshallbegiventoeachclub inmembershipat least 21days before thedateof themeeting. The Honorary Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting on the instructions of the Management Committee or upon receipt of a requisitiontodososignedbyanyfiveclubs infullmembershipofthe Union. SuchrequisitionsmuststatethereasonsforcallingaSpecial General Meeting and the subject or subjects to be discussed. 6. Each club shall be entitled to send two voting representatives to a General Meeting. A quorum shall be 50 per cent of all clubs in the Union. 7. At the Annual General Meeting the Union may appoint Honorary Presidents and Honorary Vice-Presidents who shall be entitled to attend all General meetings of theUnion. 8. Afinancialstatementof incomeandexpenditure,dulycertified,shall bepresentedattheAnnualGeneralmeeting. Acopyofthefinancial statement shall be circulated to all clubs at least 21 days before the date of theAnnual General Meeting. 9. MatchesshallbeplayedunderNationalCricketAssociationLawsof Cricketandundersuchrulesandregulationsasmaybeapprovedby theAnnual GeneralMeetingof theUnion. Theball used inFirst and SecondDivisionmatchesshallbeaballapprovedbytheManagement Committee. 10.1 League placingswill be determined by expressing the points awarded as a percentage of the results points for a win in all completed matches. In the event that more than one team shall have an equal percentage at the end of the season, the teamwhich has the greater ratio of matches won to matches played shall be placed above the other teams. In the event that this does not separate the sides, the