Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 1998

8 points gained in the matches between the sides will determine the final placings. 10.2 The leading team in the league table shall be the winner of the championship and shall retain possession of the Championship Trophy for one year. All trophies shall be returned to the Honorary Secretary of the Union not later than 1st September . 11. Allplayersshouldbebonafidemembersoftheclubstheyrepresent. No playermay play in aUnionmatch formore than one team, in the sameDivision,duringanyoneseasonunlesswiththeconsentofthe ManagementCommittee. 12.1 No clubmay play more than one ‘paid player’ and one ‘overseas amateur’ as defined in Rules 12.2 and 12.3 below. 12.2 A ‘paidplayer’ shall,forthepurposesoftheserules,beaplayerwho receivesanyofthefollowingasafeeforplaying,orasaninducement to play, or to facilitate their playing cricket for the club concerned: (a) payment in cash or kind; (b) accommodation whether free, subsidised, or otherwise assisted; (c) payment inwhole or in part of fares to theUnitedKingdom, or to Scotland, from that player’s place of abode. For the purposes of these rules, a teacher of Physical Education whose work is solely educational and who is not paid directly or indirectly for playingcricket for amember club isnot a ‘paidplayer’ . Noplayer, other thanaScottishplayer asdefined in thesucceeding sentence, may play as an amateur for any club in any Division if he has been a ‘paid player’ at any time in the three calendar years precedingthatyearotherthanwiththepermissionoftheManagement Committeeobtainedpriortosuchplayerparticipating inanyLeague match, which permission shall only be granted in special circumstances. A Scottish player shall be defined as (i) born in Scotland, or (ii) a player whose father and/or mother was born in Scotland, or (iii) eligible to play for Scotland as perceived by the ScottishCricket Union.