Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 1998
9 12.3 An ‘overseas amateur’ shall, for the purposes of these rules, be a playerwho isnormallyresidentoutwiththeUnitedKingdomandwho doesnot fulfil anyof theabove requirements relating to thestatusof a ‘paid player’ . A player will only be accepted as an ‘overseas amateur’ ifundertheageof24on31stAugustintherelevantplaying season. An ‘overseas amateur’ will attain the status of a local amateur if (i) hehasbeenpermanently resident inScotland for twelvemonths or more (holidays totalling less than six weeks excepted) and holds a valid full work permit. or (ii) if the prime reason for being in Scotland is either as a student registeredinfull-timeeducation,ortopursueafulltimeprofession/ employment and holds a valid full work permit relating to that employment. 12.4 Only one ‘paid player’ may ordinarily be registered by each club. Exceptionally, the registration of a substitute ‘paid player’ may be approvedbytheManagementCommittee,butonlywheretheoriginal ‘paid player’ is unable to complete the season through injury, or otheracceptablereason 12.5 In the case of registration of ‘overseas amateurs’ , no registration willbeaccepted inrespectofaplayerwhosenamehasappearedas a First Class player in any of the last three published ACS Cricket Yearbooks. Furthermore, no application to register an ‘overseas amateur’ playermay bemadeafter the8thSaturday of theLeague season. Only one successful application for the registration of an ‘overseas amateur’ will be accepted per season. 13. Detailed results of eachmatch shall be communicated inwritingby thehomeclub to theHonorarySecretaryof theUnion, or hisnamed deputy, notmore than14daysafter thematchdate. Thehomeclub is also responsible for telephoning the result to theUnionwithin 48 hours of the completion of the match. Failure to properly report a matchasdetailedwill result in thedeductionof FivePoints fromthe club's league total.
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