Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2000

4 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS It is a great honour to serve as President of the Strathmore Union in this millennium year, especially as it is 48 years since my late father held this same office. I know a lot about the Union, having played as a twelve year old in 1954 (that’s given my age away!) and finished my career back in the Union in 1997. One of the recent innovations which I feel is hugely worthwhile is the re-instatement of the Union Select side which is now competing in the Scottish Regional Cricket League Championship. These matches are a great opportunity for players to meet and get to know each other well. I have fond memories of playing in Union Select matches with the likes of Don Crighton, Gavin McKiddie and others too numerous to mention. I hope today’s players will support the matches an seize the opportunities to display their talents on a wider stage. The Union is one of the most progressive leagues in the country. The expansion started under GavinGardenwith the introduction of Stoneywood- Dyce and Inverurie has continued over recent years and we welcome St Modans this season. From Huntly to Bannockburn, we cover a huge geographic area and help keep the North to the forefront of Scottish Cricket. A body like the Union survives only through the efforts of those who give their time and effort on behalf of us all. We have been very fortunate to have the services of several people who givenmany years to the Union. At the AGM, Richard Miller stepped down and Lindsay Ancell’s term as President came to an end. They both deserve our appreciation for the work they have put in over the years. It is my ambition during my presidency to visit each ground in the Union. I may not make it but I’ll certainly be trying. I hope to see you in my travels. May the sun shine for you all. Ralph Laing