Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2000

6 StrathmoreCricket Union (Instituted1929) 1.1 The Union shall be called "The Dukes Strathmore Cricket Union". 1.2 TheUnion shall consist of threeormoreDivisions as approvedby a GeneralMeetingoftheUnion. Theminimumnumberofteams inthe Premier DivisionandDivisionOne shall beeight and themaximum number of teams in the Premier Division andDivisionOne shall be ten. No two teams from the same club shall compete in the same Divisionwith the exception of the lowest Division. 1.3 TheManagementCommitteeshallbevestedwithfullpowerstovary the titles of each Division at the commencement of each season. 2.1 All affairs and management of the Union shall be in the hands of a Management Committee, themembersof whichshall beelectedat the Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee shall compriseaPresident, aVice-President, anHonorarySecretary, an HonoraryTreasurer(the lattertwoofficesmaybeco-joined)andfive othermembers,allbeingfromclubs infullmembershipoftheUnion. The retiringPresident shall continueas anex-officiomember of the ManagementCommitteeforoneyearafterhistermofofficeexpires. TheManagementCommitteeshallhave, inadditiontotheirgeneral powers,thepowertofillanyvacancyintheirnumbersduringtheyear and, additionally, thepower to co-opt up to twoadditional members to assist with specific projects. 2.2 The Management Committee shall be vested with full powers to conduct all competitions under the auspices of the Union and to regulatethechoosingofteamsforallrepresentativematchesplayed bytheUnion. ThemembersoftheManagementCommitteeshallbe entitled to vote at all General Meetings. 3.1 Any club desirous of entering a team to the Union must make application in writing to the Honorary Secretary on or before 1st October. Such application will be considered at the next Annual General Meetingandwill beapprovedonlywith the consent of two- thirdsofthemembersrepresentedandvoting. Anyclubwithdrawing