Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2001

19 as well as our aforementioned former Union adversaries. Less travelling, though - join the National League and don’t see the world! It’s going to be funny not playing in the Three Counties Cup, though. I’m glad our 2nd XI is still there to represent us in the Strathmore Union and Two Counties Cup and it’s aim is to do well enough to hoist itself up to minimise the gap in the standard of the 1st and 2nd XI competitions. Good luck to new captain, Gordon Grewar and his charges in their quest. What of our off-field celebrations? Anyone reading this article is invited to be one of 280 all-male guests at our Gala Marquee Centenary Dinner on Friday, 6th July at Dalnacraig. By the time you read this, the speakers will be confirmed and you might be sufficiently impressed not to risk missing it - details from me at Clubsport. Nine days earlier on Wednesday 27th June, there’s a Centenary Match against MCC at Dalnacraig and Andy Thorogood has promised to appear - no, sorry, it is the other MCC from Lord’s! We’re fortunate that Alex Steele is managing the match for MCC and he, if anyone, will endevour to make it a memorable occasion. Unveiled at the match will be the Centenary Pavilion Clock - this project has grown a bit - and unfurled at the match will be the Centenary Flag. Also, at the tea interval, we’re re-enacting a record that was created at the inaugural School Sports and has stood for 100 years. HPG Young threw the cricket ball 106 yards and it will take an FP player, an Australian one at that, to re-enact it. It would be disrespectful to throw it further, so Peter Wooden has been practising 106 yard throws back in Sydney this Australian summer. Continuedonpage26