Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2002
10 Scottish Cricket Union. No player who has been registered as a paid player may qualify for amateur status within the same season. For the purposes of these rules a person shall be deemed to be an OverseasAmateur inanyseasonunlesshehasbeenresident inthe European Economic Area for 240 days immediately prior to the match in which he intends to play (except a local player normally resident in Scotland and who has spent the winter months overseas). In addition an overseas player shall be deemed not to be an amateur player if (a) he has appeared as a first class cricketer in any of the last two, published ACS Cricket Year books or (b) he will attain the age of twenty three years on or before the thirty first day of August of the said season. Consideration may be given by the Management Committee to waive this rule in suitable cases where the player has moved to Scotland through work or study. 13. Detailed results of eachmatch shall be communicated inwritingby thehomeclub to theHonorarySecretaryof theUnion, or hisnamed deputy, notmore than14daysafter thematchdate. Thehomeclub is also responsible for telephoning the result to theUnionwithin 48 hours of the completion of the match. Failure to properly report a matchasdetailedwill result in thedeductionof FivePoints fromthe club's league total. 14. In event of any dispute, protest or the like, the decision of the Management Committee shall be final. Protest must be communicatedtotheHonorarySecretaryoftheUnion inwritingand must be accompanied by a deposit of £2 (Two Pounds Sterling) which shall be retainedaccording to the findingof theManagement Committee. Protestrelatingtomatchesmustbe intimated inwriting to the Honorary Secretary of the Union within seven days of the match. 15. Union fixtures shall be arranged each year at the Annual General Meeting and all clubs should return a complete list of their Union fixtures to theHonorarySecretaryof theUnionby 30thNovember . Rearrangement of fixturesafter that dateshouldbe intimated to the
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