Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2002

11 Honorary Secretary of the Union in writing by the clubs involved. Dates on which Union representative matches are to be played should be avoided by clubs for Union fixtures. 16. Whereanyfixture ispostponedduetothe involvementofeitherclub inaScottishCricket UnionCompetition, the clubs involvedmay re- arrange the fixture. If no suitabledate canbeagreed, thematchwill be null and void. For the purposes of this rule, the SCU approved competitionsare:-TheScottishCup,TheSCUTrophy,TheScottish Small Clubs Cup, The Area Championship, The District Championships and theScottishYouthCup. 17. Any breach of Rules 4, 9, 11, 12, 13 or 15 will be adjudicated on by the Management Committee and may result in the match being awarded to thenon-offending club. 18. No rule or regulation contained in this Constitution and Rules shall be altered, rescinded or added to except at an Annual General Meetingandthen,onlywiththeconsentoftwo-thirdsofthemembers representedandvoting. Anysuchproposedalterationsoradditions must be lodged inwritingwith theHonorary Secretary of theUnion not later than 1st September . 19 The Strathmore Union will adopt a flexible approach to its league structure. 20. The Rules and Regulations of the Union shall be displayed in a prominent position ineach club's pavilion. 21. This revised Constitution and Rules supercedes the Constitution and Rules published in October 1952 and all amendments since that date. Please remember to telephone the result of allmatches to IanChisholmon(01241) 876900 as soon as the match is finished.