Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2002
5 members to run a junior section and, more particularly so, to maintain or increase the momentum of the activity. Given the necessary support within the club it can be very rewarding. On my tour of the clubs this summer I shall be only too pleased to discuss any points relating to club junior cricket development and my experiences of it. As to support for the clubs we have Clarence Parfitt, Cricket Development Officer for the North of Scotland, part of his remit being to introduce cricket to primary schools and help foster links with clubs. He has concentrated much of his time on this work over the last 3 years, but, as we all know, the North District stretches from Stirling to Shetland and clearly there is much still to be done. Give Clarence a call. He may well now be more available to assist in your area, since John Cockbain was recently appointed part time to do development work in the NOSCA area. Within the boundary of the Strathmore Union as we know it today, we have three Development Groups linked with the regions. These are Activ-8 Grampian, Impact Tayside and Stirling/Forth Valley. One of the responsibilities of these groups is the creation and development of coaches in their respective regions. If any club requires support or any information on coaching matters then the points of contact are:- Ron Fleming at Grampian, Raymond Bond at Stirling and myself for Tayside. My best wishes to Blairgowrie CC on their return to the Union this season. This rings a positive note and during my term as President I would wish to see and hear of more successes on the cricket development front, whatever form they take. Here’s to a great summer and a most enjoyable season. President J.R.Auchinleck
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