Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2002
8 suchrules and regulations as may be approved by the Annual GeneralMeetingof theUnion. Theball used in all Leaguematches shall beaball approvedby theManagement Committee. 10.1 Leagueplacingswillbedeterminedbyexpressingthepointsawarded as a percentage of the results points for a win in all completed matches. In theevent thatmore thanone teamshall haveanequal percentageattheendoftheseason,theteamwhichhasthegreater ratio of matches won tomatches played shall be placed above the other teams. In the event that this does not separate the sides, the points gained in the matches between the sides will determine the final placings. 10.2 The leading team in the league table shall be the winner of the championship and shall retain possession of the Championship Trophy for one year. All trophies shall be returned to the Honorary Secretary of the Union not later than 1st September . 10.3 The team finishing first in Division One will be promoted to the Division above, subject always to the provisions of Rule 1.2 being met. The team finishing first in Division Two shall have the right to be promoted to theDivision above if it sowishes, subject always to the provisions of Rule 1.2 being met. 10.4 Relegation from, and further promotion to each Division shall be decided by theManagement Committee at the conclusion of each season subject always to the provisions of Rule 1.2 beingmet. 11. Allplayersshouldbebonafidemembersoftheclubstheyrepresent. No playermay play in aUnionmatch formore than one team, in the sameDivision,duringanyoneseasonunlesswiththeconsentofthe ManagementCommittee. 12 No clubmay play more than one ‘paid player’ and one ‘overseas amateur’ as defined in the Rules of the Scottish National Cricket League, listedbelow:- A ‘paidplayer’shall,forthepurposesoftheserules,beaplayerwho receivesanyofthefollowingasafeeforplaying,orasaninducement to play, or to facilitate their playing cricket for the club concerned:
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