Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2003

4 PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS Thankfully season 2002 is behind us. It will be remembered by most, if not by all of us, as the wettest experienced. Let us now look forward to season 2003, which can only be better. Certainly the weather this spring has been tremendous, permitting every opportunity for our clubs’ ground staff to get things in order and in good time. Why didn’t we start the season the first weekend after the clocks had gone forward? Sadly and mainly as a consequence of the poor weather last season, my planned umpiring itinerary was limited dramatically. However, the game between St. Modans and Dundee HSFP, played in difficult conditions at Bluebellwood Park, will remain in the memory as a very keenly contested encounter with both teams wanting to play. The match swung both ways, more than once, before ending in an excellent draw. I have to say, though, the game was the winner on that day with all 3 essential parties present. Playing for Forthill did give me the opportunity to do some umpiring at 7 other venues. It is still my intention to have umpired a league game on each ground during the 2 years as your president, which now leaves me with 11 grounds for this season. I have purposefully not scheduled the dates, rather I shall make contact or turn up on a date as available. Might I take this opportunity to invite any one of you, whenever you have a free Saturday or Sunday, to turn up at a neutral ground and umpire a match. Done in the right spirit all will benefit. Since the AGM in November your committee along with representatives of the Perthshire League have been very busy in preparing the ground for a possible merger of our 2 leagues in season 2004. We are to be holding an EGM of the Strathmore Union on 29 th April, which I trust will rubber stamp the new