Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2003

52 Do you have Any photographs, memories, stories and anecdotes of cricket in the Strathmore Union? In 2004, the Union will celebrate 75 years of play and we hope to be able to produce a special edition of the Handbook to commemorate the event. It may seem a long way off but we need to start now to gather the material. So get thinking and, if you come across anything you might think will be of interest, contact me at the address on the inside front cover or e-mail:- Today, the outward appearance of Doo’cot Park has not changed. There are still two neatly kept pitches, perfectly trimmed surrounds and the same natural look pavilion, all in the very capable hands of Bill Higgins our jovial and tremendously helpful groundsman. We cricketers are indeed extremely lucky to have Bill whose tireless efforts keep the whole place, both interior and exterior, looking in peak condition and pleasant to the eye. One dramatic change undertaken by the Gannochy Trust was the modernisation of the pavilion to house all three clubs under the one roof. Four bright modern dressing rooms were constructed inclusive of excellent shower and toilet facilities. The alteration, much appreciated not only by those of us who play regularly at Doo’cot Park but by all our opponents as well, provides excellent accommodation. However much the appreciation of the internal changes our biggest debt of gratitude is that it was all carried out without in any way detracting from the characteristic and extremely pleasant exterior. All cricketers and we of Strathearn in particular are greatly appreciative of the Doo’cot Park facilities in general and trust we may have the privilege of playing there for many years to come. In conclusion, may we say to every man, boy, tea lady or anyone else who was part of the club over the last hundred years, a big “Thank you” from all the present day members of Strathearn. (Note:- This article was originally published in 1979 in the Strathearn Centennary Weekend Programme. )