Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2003

56 NOTES ON THREE & TWO COUNTIES CUPS 1 Ties should be played by the dates indicated on the respective draws with prompt starts before 6.30 pm required. A Reserve Date shall be agreed upon at the time of arranging the fixture. Dates and results of matches should be notifiedtothe CupOrganiserasearlyaspossible,preferablybyphone.Scores and full team lists must be sent to Ian Chisholm. 2 Umpires will be supplied by the club indicated in the draw. The home club will notify the umpiring club of the Date and Reserve Date for the match. 3 Ties should be played on the ground of the first-named club. The Semi-Finals and Finals will be played at venues arranged by the Management Committee. 4 The inning of each side shall consist of not more than 25 overs and no bowler shall bowl more than 7 overs. Standard Union balls must be used. 5 Bowler's run-ups shall not exceed 15 yards. A white line shall be marked on the ground 15 yards behind the bowling crease. 6 At the instant of delivery aminimumof 4 fieldsmen (plus the bowler andwicket- keeper)mustbewithinanareaboundedbytwosemi-circlesofradius30yards, centred on each middle stump and joined by a parallel line on each side of the pitch. In the event of an infringement, the square leg Umpire shall call and signal"NOBALL". It isrecommendedthattheareabemarkedbypaintedwhite dots, 5 yards apart, covered by circular white plastic or rubber discs 7 inches in diameter. N.B. APPLIES TO THREE COUNTIES CUP ONLY 7 Except the registered professional, any player who has appeared for a SNCL side in more than 50% of that club's Championship matches already played during the current season shall be ineligible to play in the Three Counties Cup. 8 Any player who has appeared in more than one SNCL match or in more than 50%of the leaguematches already played of a teamparticipating in the Three Counties Cup during the current season shall be ineligible to play in the Two Counties Cup. 9 All players in Cup Competitions must be bona-fide members of that club and representing that club within the Strathmore Union. 10 Under exceptional circumstances, a player inelligible under notes 7, 8 and 9 above may be given dispensation for a particular match on appeal to the Cup Sub-Committee or with the agreement of both captains. 11 If, at the completion of the match, the scores are tied, the winner shall be the side which has lost the least wickets. If this does not produce a winner, the scores at the end of each preceding even-numbered over (starting at 24) shall be compared until a winner be found.