Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2003

7 General Meeting and will be approved only with the consent of two-thirds of the members represented and voting. Any club withdrawing from the Union should intimate withdrawal to the Honorary Secretary in writing on or before 1st October. 3.2 The team to be relegated from the lowest Division of the Scottish National Cricket League shall be admitted, if it so wishes, to the top Division of the Union. 3.3 At the end of each season, the Union shall nominate a team to participate in a play-off competition for admission to the lowest Division of the Scottish National Cricket League. The winner of the top Division will normally be nominated if it so wishes, provided always that it is able to conform to the Rules of the SNCL. 4. The Subscription from each club in each Division shall be such a sumasmaybe fixedat theAnnual GeneralMeeting. Subscriptions shall be payable at the Annual General Meeting. 5. A General Meeting of the Union shall be held annually in the month of November. Notice of General Meeting shall be given to each club in membership at least 21 days before the date of the meeting. The Honorary Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting on the instructions of the Management Committee or upon receipt of a requisition to do so signed by any five clubs in full membership of the Union. Such requisitions must state the reasons for calling a Special General Meeting and the subject or subjects to be discussed. 6. Each club shall be entitled to send two voting representatives to a General Meeting. A quorum shall be 50 per cent of all clubs in the Union. 7. At the Annual General Meeting the Union may appoint Honorary Presidents and Honorary Vice-Presidents who shall be entitled to attend all General Meetings of the Union. 8. A financial statement of income and expenditure, duly certified, shall be presented at the Annual General meeting. A copy of the