Strathmore Cricket Union Handbook 2004

5 losing battle last season to field a side most weeks and have had to bid us farewell. One sad decline in cricketing activity which was highlighted at last years AGM was the relatively few occasions on which opposing teams now join each other for a beverage or two after matches. For some of us, this is almost as important as what goes on in the match itself, and I would encourage all sides to try to get back into the habit of making friends with your opposition over a sandwich and a pint at the end of the match. We are very fortunate this year to have found a sponsor for the Three and Two Counties Cup tournaments, insurancce Brokers Clark Thomson whose advert appears on Page 35, after several years without one. This means that there is once again a financial reward for those clubs reaching the semi- finals and beyond. We would ask all teams that when they put cup line-ups in their local papers, they remember to mention the name of the sponsor. My two predecessors in the post of Union President each attempted to visit all the grounds in the league as either a spectator or an umpire. I too hope to visit all parts of our far- flung empire, although I may do so in my new role of Union Tea-Room Inspector – just make sure that you have plenty of cakes ready when I come to visit! Finally I hope that you each have a successful season and we enjoy as much sunshine, and therefore cricket as we did last summer. El Presidente