Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2005
8 12 No clubmay play more than one ‘paid player’ and one ‘overseas amateur’ as defined below, who must be pre-registered with the Management Committee:- A ‘paid player’ shall, for the purposes of these rules, be a player who receives any of the following as a fee for playing, or as an inducement to play, or to facilitate their playing cricket for the club concerned: (i) payment in cash or in kind; (ii) accommodation whether free, subsidised, or otherwise assisted; (iii) employment, whether fulltime or parttime; (iv) payment in whole or in part of fares to the United Kingdom, or to Scotland, from that player’s place of abode; (v) expenses exceeding the scale prescribed below. (a) A club shall be entitled to pay expenses to any player to defray the cost to that player of travelling between the club’s home ground and the away ground, without that player being deemed to be a paid player. (b) The expenses paid will be set by the individual clubs but must not exceed a rate per mile of necessary travel at such rate as may be fixed by the Committee and communicated to the member clubs prior to the start of the season, or the actual rail or bus fare. (c) Where it is the intention of any club to pay travelling expenses, a record of such payments must be kept and be made available to the Committee, on request, together with such other books of accounts as the Committee shall request. For the purposes of these rules, a Physical Education teacher whose work is solely educational and who is not paid directly or indirectly for playing cricket for a member club is not a ‘paid player’. Noplayer, other thanaScottishplayer asdefined in thesucceeding sentence, may play as an amateur for any team of any club in any
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