Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2005

30 these teams that did play on Dundee’s public parks, only one has made that stage of a national tournament. Today Kinloch are part of the upper reaches on the merged Strathmore and Perthshire Union. A far cry from the days of Lowden and McNicoll it has to be said. A Division One title has been added to the four Second Division honours and after five falls at the final hurdle, Kinloch at last won The Two Counties Cup in 1999. This was also the year that they moved from Dundee to St Andrews to play home games. A side that was once made up of players almost exclusively from Lochee and later on from Harris Academy in Dundee now boasts Indians, Pakistanis, Australians and South Africans among its players. The times certainly have changed since 1905! The Centenary Season will be celebrated with three events. First a 20/20 tournament involving the Dundee clubs (yes we still see our- selves as such) in June. In early September a dinner at The Queens Hotel in Dundee will hopefully bring together as many of the remain- ing Kinloch players from across the generations as possible. The same weekend a Past v Present game will take place. Old bones, sagging muscle, expanded waste lines and failing reactions will hinder them but the current team will just have to do their best to live with their predecessors. For anyone out there interested in a more detailed history of Kinloch, a booklet has been produced tracking the past 100 years (or so) of the club. For a small donation a copy will be forwarded to you, if you contact club secretary Richard Bowman. Naturally in this day and age, all Strathmore Union cricketers will have alcohol abstinence as part of their match preparation! So in keeping with the profession of our founders we would ask you to toast us with nothing stronger than a packet of wine gums. Continued from page 27