Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2005
4 Once more we are fortunate to have a sponsor for the Three and Two Counties Cup tournaments. Clark Thomson Insurance Brokers have again kindly agreed to sponsor both events. This means that there is once again a financial reward for those clubs reaching the semi-finals and beyond. We would ask all teams that when they put cup line-ups in their local papers, they remember to mention the name of the sponsor. Within our league boundaries we are once again delighted to be asked to host European under age Qualifying matches. This year our area is hosting the Under-19 qualifiers. These matches will be played at: Arbroath, Forfar, Forthill, the North Inch, Doo’Cot Park and Dundee High School Facilities. Those with some spare time on their hands are encouraged to go along and watch the future stars competing. Neutral umpires will be out in force throughout all divisions this year. As we go to press there are 5 keen volunteers waiting for the season to get underway. Under new financial arrangements, home teams will no longer be required to pay the expenses before reclaiming them. They will be given advance warning of the umpire turning up. Centenaries seem to be coming thick and fast these days. After both Strathmore and Huntly celebrating 150 years of playing cricket last year, this season sees Kinloch celebrate 100 years of serving the same plate of sandwiches to their visitors – only kidding guys! I hope that the weather stays fair for all your planned activities. Finally I hope that you each have a successful season (unless you’re playing against Norwood!) and we enjoy some sunshine, and therefore more cricket than we did last summer. El Presidente
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