Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2006

4 intention of myself and the committee to attempt to stop any unsporting behaviour before any further problems arise. To enable us to act we need to have any incidents reported to the committee either on the match returns or by direct contact to myself or the Secretary. I would hope that the warning of potential action against any individual or club will be sufficient to ensure that I and the Secretary are not contacted on a regular basis! The Union would struggle to survive without the support of our sponsors, Dukes and Clark Thomson and without the advertisers who have contributed generously to Union funds over the years. Please show your appreciation by using their services when you can. The Union is also very fortunate to have the services of Ian Chisholm whose work in collating the statistics is much in evidence in this handbook. Through Ian’s efforts in maintaining the league tables and providing details to the press, the profile of The Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union is considerably raised. I wish all clubs in the league the very best for the forthcoming season and in particular to Meigle who are celebrating a special anniversary this year. Yours in Sport, Bob McFarlane President