Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2007

10 15. Union fixtures shall be arranged each year for the top two divisions following publication of the SNCL fixtures. Fixtures not arranged by the Union should be arranged by teams competing in that division and forwarded to the secretary before February 1 st . Rearrangement of fixtures after that date should be intimated to the Secretary of the Union in writing by the clubs involved. Dates on which Union representative matches are to be played should be avoided by clubs for Union fixtures. 16. Where any fixture is postponed due to the involvement of either club in a Cricket Scotland Competition, the clubs involved may rearrange the fixture. If no suitable date can be agreed, the match will be null and void. For the purposes of this rule, the approved competitions are:- The Scottish Cup, The SCU Trophy, The Scottish Small Clubs Cup, the SNCL Play-off(s), The Area Championship, The District Championships and the Scottish Youth Cup. 17. Any breach of Rules 4, 9, 11, 12, 13 or 15 will be adjudicated on by the Committee and may result in the match being awarded to the non-offending club. 18. No rule or regulation contained in this Constitution and Rules shall be altered, rescinded or added to except at an Annual General Meeting and then, only with the consent of two-thirds of the members represented and voting. Any such proposed alterations or additions must be lodged in writing with the Secretary of the Union not later than 1st September. 19 TheStrathmoreandPerthshireUnionwill adopt a flexibleapproach to its league structure. 20. The Rules and Regulations of the Union shall be displayed in a prominent position in each club’s pavilion. 21. This revised Constitution and Rules supersedes the Constitution and Rules published in October 1952 and all amendments since that date.