Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2008

4 their Under 13 and 15 teams who won their respective Scottish Cups on the same day last season. Theirs is a fine example of a Club where when everyone, parents and players, pitch in great things can be achieved – a lovely new ground on the lawns at Kinross House and qualified coaches running into double figures! So what about my hopes for the coming season? Firstly a bit of warm sunshine would be nice. At the time of writing the long range forecast was for a warmer but wetter than average summer – let’s hope they are wrong! Wearing my committee hat, it would also be nice to see fewer disputes having to be arbitrated on. Finally I hope everyone who steps onto the field this year, enjoys their game, plays it in the right spirit and can find time to enjoy a drink with the opposition whether having won or lost. David Armstrong YOUNG CRICKETERS Clubs are reminded that all teams must comply with the safety guidlines issued by Cricket Scotland in respect of the wearing of helmets and fielding restrictions by young players. The fast bowling directives in respect of players who are Under 13, Under 15, Under 17 and Under 18 must also be observed in all Union matches. Any club which does not have a copy of the latest regulations should contact Cricket Scotland immediately.