Strathmore and Perthshire Cricket Union Handbook 2011

45 Rules of the mpower Cup and mpower Trophy 1 Ties must be played by the dates indicated on the respective draws with prompt starts before 6.30pm required. The home team is responsible for offeringtheawayteam2datesforthetie;afteragreement isreached,areserve date, which must also be before the round’s deadline, must be agreed. Dates andresultsofmatchesmustbenotifiedtotheCupOrganiserbynoonoftheday following the completion of thematch, by phone or email. Scores and full team lists must be forwarded to Ian Chisholm within 14 days of the match. 2 Except for the Finals and the mpower Cup Semi Finals, each match will be umpired by members from the clubs nominated in the official draw. The home club is responsible for advising the nominated club of the date of the match. 3 Tieswillnormallybeplayedonthegroundofthefirst-namedclub. Ifthereserve date is used and the match cannot be completed, a bowl-off will take place to determine the winner of the match as per rule 4. Where clubs fail to play a tie or conduct a bowl-off by the round deadline, the outcome of the match will be determined by the Cup Sub-Committee. 4 Bowl Off a) A full set of stumps, including bails, will be pitched at both ends of the designated pitch, but the bowlers will all bowl from the same end. The umpires will decide which end to bowl from. b) The captains shall nominate their five bowlers and the order of bowling, to each other and the umpires prior to the toss. In the event of injury during the bowl off, the injured player may be replaced by another bowler. c) The captains shall toss a coin for the right to decidewhich teambowls first in the bowl out. d) The wicket keeper will not be permitted to stand up to the stumps. e) The bowl out shall be conducted in the same manner as a penalty shootout. f) Deliveries will be bowled alternately, one from each team, following the order of bowling as given before. A dislodged bail will constitute a hit. g) After the first set of 5 deliveries, if still equal, a second complete set will commence, and so on until a winner is achieved. h) No bowler will be allowed a practice delivery. i) The umpires will stand in their normal positions andwill be responsible for officially recording the number of hits on the wicket. Their decision shall be final as to the result.