Strathmore Cricket Union: the first 90 years a history 1928-2018

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people have helped us inwriting of this book. The files of newspapers, Strathmore Union Handbooks and Minute Books and various pamphlets and booklets about different clubs have proved invaluable. In addition we have on occasion picked the brains (sometimes without them even being aware we were doing it) of several people, in particular Gavin McKiddie, Sandy Pattullo, Alan Pattullo, David Bridges, Ian Chisholm, David Potter, (the other one! My cousin!) Davie Chambers, Robbie Nellies, Alan Guild, Alan Adie, Clarence Parfitt, Allan Baxter, Peter Drummond, Graham McLaren and Howard Garden. Photographs have been provided by D C Thomson and many individuals, most notably David Phillips of Blairgowrie who photographed Union cubs and events throughout the 80’s, the late Bob Benzies, Jeannie Cooper and Ian Potts, whose skill at recording cricket in the area for almost thirty years has created a vast store of material including many of the images contained within these pages. Lastly, we would like to thank the late Stanley Miller of Broughty Ferry whose legacy enabled the book to be published. Inevitably, we will have (inadvertently) missed out a few. To them we apologise unreservedly. DEDICATION The book is dedicated to a normally unsung group of people (one cannot really say “ladies” in this context for fear of inaccuracy, and political incorrectness) who make the teas! Tea is an integral part of recreational cricket, and it is my proud boast that I have never left the ground of a Strathmore Union club with any need to stop at a chip shop or McDonalds to supplement my victuals. Sadly, it has happened now and again in other parts of Scotland, but in the Strathmore Union, never! Front cover illustrations:- Clockwise from 12 o’clock:- Lochside Park (Forfar), Mannofield (Aberdeen) Lochlands (Arbroath), Guthrie Park (Brechin) The photograph of Mannofield was taken on 1st May 1982 during the match between Mannofield XI and Strathmore. Howard Smith can be seen trying to sweep the snow off the covers as Mannofield were well placed at the stoppage. One person who wasn’t keen for a resumption was Strathmore’s newly-arrived 19 year-old professional, Bim Jadeja who had never seen snow before and was thrilled by the sight of it!