Strathmore Cricket Union: the first 90 years a history 1928-2018

228 TAYLOR’S AUCTION ROOMS The 1990 Six-a-Side tournament was held at Union Park, Montrose and was sponsored by the local firm of Auctioneers. This company is still prominent in the town. Sponsored:- Six-a-Side Competition 1990 KINLOCH ARMS HOTEL The next time the Six-a-Side tournament was hosted by Meigle, the local hostelry took over the mantle of sponsor. The hotel is still going strong. Sponsored:- Six-a-Side Competition 1991 JOHN WALTON & SONS The family firm of Meigle legend Mike Walton, the company distributed fuel oil throughout the region. It was the last sponsor of the Six-a-Side tournament although the event did run for a further three years without funding. Sponsored:- Six-a-Side Competition 1993 HANDBOOK ADVERTISERS Since 1986, the Union’s annual handbook has been supported by many local and national businesses. The revenue from these adverts not only covered the production costs but has contributed significant sums which has allowed the Union to go beyond the mere running of leagues and cups by organising coaching courses, umpiring and scoring courses and, of course, introducing neutral umpires to the Union principally though the efforts, for a long time single-handedly, of Gus Thomson.