Strathmore Cricket Union: the first 90 years a history 1928-2018

231 DUKES After the 1992 season, the Union received an offer of sponsorship from British Cricket Balls Ltd under their trading name Dukes. As with other ball-supply sponsorships, the deal was concomitant on the purchase of a certain number of balls but in addition, the company was offering £1,000 per annum in cash, a deal which was simply too good to turn down, particularly when it was tied to the supply of what was recognised as a superior quality ball. This relationship turned out to be both long-lasting and highly supportive. From the start, the Managing Director of Dukes, Dilip Jajodia, took a great interest in the Union and personally attended several AGMs to present the trophies. On other occasions, he arranged for the company to be represented by the Derbyshire and England wicket-keeper Bob Taylor who entertained the meeting with stories from his cricketing past. The proof of the quality of the ball was demonstrated when Dukes finally and reluctantly terminated their sponsorship at the end of the 2010 season when in common with many companies they were forced to control expenditure tightly in the face of the world-wide recession. A different company offered to sponsor the Union, balls were purchased but within a few weeks of the start of the season, they had to be recalled and replaced with the Dukes ball as a result of complaints by the clubs. Dukes, and Bob Taylor and Dilip personally, rushed to the Union’s aid and the switchover was achieved almost seamlessly. The Union continues to specify a Dukes ball. Sponsored:- League Competitions 1993 - 2010 SAMUEL BRUCE BUSINESS FURNITURE After eight seasons, the Union found itself without a sponsor for the Cup Competitions for 1996. The Treasurer persuaded his former employer, a Dundee-based manufacturer and supplier of office furniture to take over and this arrangement lasted for three seasons. Sponsored:- Cup Competitions 1996 - 1999