Strathmore Cricket Union: the first 90 years a history 1928-2018

232 3-D SPORTS An innovative mail-order sports retailer based in Cheltenham and run by the energetic Dave Courtney, 3-D Sports’ big selling point was their Cricket Roadshows which featured former England cricketers Tom Graveney and John Edrich. When the Union restructured in 1999, it was felt there needed to be an additional League Cup to provide clubs with a full fixture list and 3-D offered to sponsor it. The competition lasted three seasons but the sponsorship only applied for the first. Sponsored:- League Cup Competition 1999 CLARK THOMSON INSURANCE BROKERS Another four years passed before a new sponsor for the cup competitions was found. Clark Thomson (now Jelf Clark Thomson) are a Scotland- wide Community Insurance Broker who provide a full range of insurance services. The sponsorship continued for four seasons, providing the Union with a very welcome source of support. Sponsored:- Cup Competitions 2004 - 2007 MONITOR MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS In 2009, The Treasurer was able to secure a sponsorship deal for the Cup Competitions through his employer, the Aberdeen software house whose mPower Cost Management Software is widely used in the Oil and Gas sector and beyond. Like so many sponsorships at the time, the financial crash and the recession which followed it caused a severe scaling back of marketing budgets and after three seasons, the relationship was ended. Sponsored:- Cup Competitions 2009 - 2011