Strathmore Cricket Union: the first 90 years a history 1928-2018

239 The Management Committee and major Prizewinners pictured at the Annual General Meeting held at Lochlands, Arbroath on 26th November 1989. Back: - John Bennett (Dundee High School FP, Division 1 League Champions), Jerry Moir (Aberdeen Grammar School FP, Division 1 Bowling Average and Aggregate), Graham McLaren (Union Sponsor, Clubsport), Bruce Dyer (Lawside, 2nd Division batting Average) Middle: - Lindsay Ancell (Dundee High School FP, Division 2 League Champions and Bowling Average), Richard Miller (Lawside, Outgoing Secretary/ Treasurer), Dick Auchinleck (Forthill, 2nd Division Runners-up), David Bridges (Union Committee) Front:- Gordon Mitchell (Brechin, Outgoing President), Stuart Grant (Gordonians, Incoming President), Gavin Garden (Dundee High School FP, Incoming Vice-President), Ian McLean (Strathmore, Incoming Treasurer), Tom McLeod (Forthill, Honorary President) This one photograph captures eight past, or future Union Presidents and six Secretaries and /or Treasurers.