Danish Cricket Yearbook 2018
n Af Jeremy Bray As build up to the European T20 World Cup qualifying event which was held in Holland August/September 2018, Denmark invited Germany to Svanholm Park to play 5 T20 games in three days. The weather was magnificent throughout the three days as was the pitches Freddie Klokker provided. Denmark were resounding winners in all 5 games where no fewer than 18 national squad members were used in the series. A big feature of the Denmark squad was their high levels of fitness compared to the German side. This could be easily seen by the running between wickets, out- standing movement in the outfield on a big ground and bowlers maintaining their skill levels throughout the 5 matches in very warm conditions. The Danish side posted three totals of over 150 in the 5 games with a highest score of 181. The German side got nowhere near any total the Danes provided when batting first. When batting second the Danish side chased down moderate totals set by the Germans well within the 20 allotted overs. Some highlights of the 5 match series saw notable per- formances from different players. On the batting side of things Hamid Shah hit two 50+ scores, Monty Singh hit a 36 ball 61 plus a lightening 36 off less than 20 balls from the opening position. Jino Jojo played some very useful cameo innings in most games and saw a top score of 51 off 29 balls. There were other useful contributions from Shangeev Thas, Saad Ahmad, Anders Bülow and Jonas Henriksen. The bowling side of things Nicolaj Damgaard (Mr. Eco- nomy) was the pick of the bowlers of the 5 games with highlights being 3-16-4 overs and 2-21-4 overs being his best figures. Basit Raja 3-20-4 overs and Jonas Henriksen 2-5-2 overs were other special mentions. The 5 games of cricket were of great benefit as it gave players plenty of opportunity to showcase their individual skills before selection for the European T20 qualifiers. Special mention to Svanholm Cricket Club for hosting the fixtures and also Freddie Klokker for providing outstan- ding pitches for all 5 games. Denmark v Germany T20 series 2018 Staldørssnak Sammenhold er nøgleordet God stemning på bænken Færdig arbejde – alle kampe mod Tyskland blev vundet I 21 I DANSK CRICKET ÅRSSKRIFT 20 18
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