UK Schools Matches 1794-1964 Index
UK Inter-School Matches 1764-1964 Year Team 1 Team 2 CA Wisden Lillywhite S & B Cricket Cricket Field Cricketer Ayres Books 1956 Bolton Wigan CA 1956 Bolton William Hulme's CA 1925 Bootham, York Pocklington 376 1898 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1899 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1899 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1900 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1901 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1903 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1904 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1905 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1907 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1908 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1908 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1909 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1909 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1910 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1911 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1911 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1912 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1912 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1913 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1913 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1914 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1915 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1915 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1916 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1917 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1917 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1918 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1922 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1923 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 9-27 1924 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1925 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1926 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1927 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 246 1928 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 309 1930 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 222 1931 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 190 1932 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1933 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1934 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1935 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1936 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1937 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1938 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1939 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1941 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA 1943 Bootham, York St Peter's, York CA Page 26 of 160
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